“Ural NEXT on ecologically clean gas fuel will cover over 2500 km in Europe within the framework of the "Blue Corridor" rally Iberia-Baltiya”
25 сентября 2017
The international gas fueled car rally organized by PJSC Gazprom, started on 18 September in Lisbon and will pass through Madrid, Milan, Ulm, Berlin, Tallinn and St. Petersburg. The Ural NEXT gas truck participates in the rally of vehicles on natural gas "Blue Corridor-2017: Iberia-Baltiya” The Ural NEXT truck started from the German city of Ulm and will go to Saint Petersburg. On 5 October 2017, the gas rally will finish as part of the VII International Gas Forum in St. Petersburg.
Ural NEXT taking part in the rally, is a new development of GAZ Group which was first presented to the public during this event. The truck uses a combined fuel feeding system with the use of liquefied natural gas LNG and compressed natural gas CNG. The total cruising range of the vehicle with combined fuel system is about 1000 km, which is one of the best parameters for all-wheel-drive trucks.
Using liquefied natural gas as a motor fuel can significantly reduce the load on the environment. So the exhaust gas emissions, such as nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons, are reduced by 66% and 89% respectively when compared with the emissions of diesel vehicles. The cost of maintenance is also reduced by 40%.
The vehicle is fitted with an economical four-stroke inline six-cylinder gas engine YAMZ-536 produced by Yaroslavl Motor Plant of GAZ Group. The truck accomodates nine gas cylinders placed behind the cabin totaling 892 l for compressed natural gas and a cryogenic tank on the frame with the volume of 450 l for liquefied gas. Liquefied natural gas, chilled to the temperature of minus 162° C is stored in the kriotank and before feeding to the engine is converted from liquid to gaseous form. The volume of the regasified fuel is approximately 240 cubic meters.
When choosing a design package of CNG equipment the key properties of the vehicle were taken into consideration: retaining a high levels of geometric cross-country capacity, meeting the requirements to ensure effective installation properties and parameters pf the payload of the chassis. The design and selection of the structure variants were carried out on the basis of a careful study of the views of consumers.
The new generation Ural NEXT truck combines the legendary cross-country capacities of Ural off-roaders with a modern level of comfort, reliability and safety. Ural NEXT running on liquefied and compressed natural gas, is a prototype that extends the lineup of vehicles made by the automobile plant Ural. The lineup also includes Ural trucks with gas-diesel fuel system that can run in diesel and gas-diesel modes. The Ural gas vehicles provide low fuel costs while maintaining the functionality and reliability.
The product line of the automobile plant Ural includes all-wheel-drive trucks and chassis with wheel formulas 4x4, 6x6, 8x8 with the payload capacity ranging from 4 to 23 tons; shift buses on the base of all-wheel-drive vehicles with wheel formulas 4x4 and 6x6, as well as cargo-passenger trucks.
Ural NEXT taking part in the rally, is a new development of GAZ Group which was first presented to the public during this event. The truck uses a combined fuel feeding system with the use of liquefied natural gas LNG and compressed natural gas CNG. The total cruising range of the vehicle with combined fuel system is about 1000 km, which is one of the best parameters for all-wheel-drive trucks.
Using liquefied natural gas as a motor fuel can significantly reduce the load on the environment. So the exhaust gas emissions, such as nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons, are reduced by 66% and 89% respectively when compared with the emissions of diesel vehicles. The cost of maintenance is also reduced by 40%.
The vehicle is fitted with an economical four-stroke inline six-cylinder gas engine YAMZ-536 produced by Yaroslavl Motor Plant of GAZ Group. The truck accomodates nine gas cylinders placed behind the cabin totaling 892 l for compressed natural gas and a cryogenic tank on the frame with the volume of 450 l for liquefied gas. Liquefied natural gas, chilled to the temperature of minus 162° C is stored in the kriotank and before feeding to the engine is converted from liquid to gaseous form. The volume of the regasified fuel is approximately 240 cubic meters.
When choosing a design package of CNG equipment the key properties of the vehicle were taken into consideration: retaining a high levels of geometric cross-country capacity, meeting the requirements to ensure effective installation properties and parameters pf the payload of the chassis. The design and selection of the structure variants were carried out on the basis of a careful study of the views of consumers.
The new generation Ural NEXT truck combines the legendary cross-country capacities of Ural off-roaders with a modern level of comfort, reliability and safety. Ural NEXT running on liquefied and compressed natural gas, is a prototype that extends the lineup of vehicles made by the automobile plant Ural. The lineup also includes Ural trucks with gas-diesel fuel system that can run in diesel and gas-diesel modes. The Ural gas vehicles provide low fuel costs while maintaining the functionality and reliability.
The product line of the automobile plant Ural includes all-wheel-drive trucks and chassis with wheel formulas 4x4, 6x6, 8x8 with the payload capacity ranging from 4 to 23 tons; shift buses on the base of all-wheel-drive vehicles with wheel formulas 4x4 and 6x6, as well as cargo-passenger trucks.
Следующая новость: «НЕФАЗ» отметил 40-летний юбилей.
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